Video didattici
Connettore LC a inversione di polarità EZ-Flip
Changing polarity for LC Duplex connectors has never been easier with the introduction of the new LC EZ-Flip. Within 3...
Video dell'installazione del connettore SC SENKO XP Fit Plus
The XP Fit Plus is a pre-polished, pre-assembled field installable connector compatible with the standard SC connector that uses index...
Senko - Macchina per la lucidatura delle fibre ottiche APC 8000
The APC-8000 features a superior fixture-to-platten locking mechanism and other design enhancements giving the user consistent polishing results at high...
Connettore Senko XP Fit Plus LC installabile in campo
The XP Fit Plus LC Connector is a pre-polished, pre-assembled field installable connector compatible with the standard LC connector that...
Localizzatore portatile di guasti visivi Senko - Controllore di fibre ottiche
Senko has released its visual fault locator for the measurement of single-mode or multi-mode fiber. It is also an ideal...
Terminazione in fibra ottica Senko - Connettore SC
SENKO Fiber Optic Termination Kits are complete solutions to on the job terminations and/or repairs. Designed specifically with field engineers...
Q XP Connettore APC
Il Q-XP SC APC è un connettore prelucidato e preassemblato compatibile con il connettore SC standard. Al posto dell'epossidica, un...
OFC 2015 Senko presenta il nuovo connettore ibrido IP-ONE
SENKO’s IP-ONE is a cost effective hybrid connector designed for harsh environmental applications, providing power and optical connectivity together to...
Senko presenta il connettore MPO Plus - OFC 2016
The MPO Plus connector offers up to 32 times the density of standard connectors, providing significant space and cost savings....
Connettore Senko CS OFC 2018
Bernard Lee, regional technology director at Senko Advanced Components, reviews the data center products the company unveiled at OFC 2018....